Recent accomplishments of Your Maryland Bowhunters Society
* Brought the National Archery in the Schools Program to MD in 2005, x posing thousands of MD school students to archery during their normal school day.
* Maintains a close working relationship with the MD DNR's Wildlife & Heritage Service
* Represents MD Bowhunters on the MD Wildlife Advisory Commission
* Recognized by DNR as a Stakeholder in wildlife related issues and has input in formation of hunting regulations, seasons and bag limits.
* Frequently provides expert testimony in Annapolis either in support of or in opposition of hunting related legislation.
* Partners with the Hunters of Maryland, LLC to stay abreast of pertinent legislative matters and advocate for pro-hunting measures.
* The only organization specifically advocating for bow hunters in MD since 1977.
* One of the primary organizations fighting for expanded Sunday hunting opportunities in Maryland.
* MBS has provided several "robo-deer" decoys to MD Natural Resources to combat poaching.
The MBS is proud to feature our affiliates in the Hunting Community
We Would Like To Welcome You to the Maryland Bowhunters Society
The Maryland Bowhunters Society is dedicated to promoting and preserving bowhunting; educating the non-hunting public about the role of the bowhunter in wildlife management and conservation; and educating bowhunters in safety, shooting skills, hunting techniques and landowner relations.
The MBS strongly advocates ethical bowhunting within the laws of the jurisdiction hunted and in a sportsmanlike manner under the Rules of Fair Chase established by the Pope and Young Club.
MBS led the charge to bring the National Archery in the Schools Program to MD in 2005 and we continue to support NASP. We have raised and donated over $50,000 to schools across MD and have impacted thousands of children in MD over last 14 years. We actively fight the anti-hunting movement and have been recognized by DNR and the Maryland Wildlife Advisory Commission for our efforts to protect and promote hunting.
If you wish to join the MBS, click HERE.
If we can answer any question or concerns, please send us an email via our CONTACT US page.
You can also sign up for the MBS News & E-Alerts to stay informed on MBS News, Events and any Calls to Action affecting hunting issues.
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To visit the Maryland Bowhunters Society on line Talk forum, Please click here.